Assess and adapt
Use these resources to see if your club is meeting members' needs and reflecting the community:
- Club Planning Assistant — Answer questions about your club to get specific advice to address your club’s challenges. Then build the suggested strategies into your club’s membership plan.
- Club Health Check — Identify your club's problem areas and make changes to help it stay relevant for members and the community.
- Is Your Club Healthy? — Take this Learning Center course to help your club improve its member experience, service and social events, public image, and club operations.
- Understanding Membership Reports: Getting Started — Learn how to use membership data to determine where to focus your membership efforts.
- Membership Assessment Tools — Be intentional about improving your club experience. Use these tools and their results to make changes.
- Getting to Know Prospective and New Members (member interest survey)
- Understanding How Your Club Represents Your Community (diversity assessment)
- Finding People to Invite (prospective member exercise)
- Engaging and Keeping Members (retention assessment and analysis)
- Enhancing the Club Experience (member satisfaction survey) (online version)
- Understanding Why Members Leave (exit survey)